Jason Collins and Writing With Realism

Jason Collins’ announcement today in Sports Illustrated — the first active male pro athlete in one of the major US leagues to come out of the closet — is historic. It also highlights an interesting challenge I had when I was first developing Exeter and the characters — specifically, Dan Reilly.

If you’ve read any of the books, you know Dan is gay. He also was a football player, and in the mid-1990s, he was both openly gay and playing high school football. Dan’s just a year or so older than Jason Collins. Massachusetts is a fairly progressive state, but that’s so unusual as to be implausible, at least on the face of it.  Frankly, if I’d consciously built the character that way… Well, I probably wouldn’t have.

The original story I was trying to tell in what was supposed to be the first book had Dan as a main character, but not THE main character. Ellie was the main character, and at the time it takes place, she’s just moved to Exeter and ended a longtime relationship. I didn’t want readers thinking she and Dan were going to get together. And I read enough fanfiction to know that it often doesn’t matter what the author intends — readers will have their own opinions about character pairings. So I started thinking about the characters and my options.

I knew a lot about Dan at that point, but not his family. (Liz was not yet his cousin — she wasn’t even a townie.) Realistically, there were two options for putting him off-limits. He had to be happily married. Or he had to be gay. (As it turned out, he was both.) I first thought married. But I knew Dan well enough at that point to know that if he was married to a woman, he’d have a few kids by now. And I knew that wasn’t right. So I wondered if he was gay. It took about 30 seconds for me to realize that was the case — it was the missing piece that made the character come alive. Chris came to life later.

But that left me with an interesting dilemma, because I already had the football background in there. I knew enough about his personality to know that hiding something that big wasn’t in character. So then I had to figure out what would make a high school football player come out and play football — and make pretty much everybody else accept that. There’s been some commentary — and Collins himself alluded to it in his essay — making the point that Collins can come out in part because he is such a tough, ferocious player. He defies any stereotype. How does a high school kid get that rep? How did Dan earn enough respect that he could have plausibly done this?

I also knew at this point that the Irish mob was in Exeter. That ended up being the answer. Dan had taken on the mob and won — he’d earned respect from enough people that he wasn’t going to lose it by coming out. Today, a young, gay football player doesn’t need such an extreme situation. But this was in the early 1990s, more than 20 years ago. It had to be an extraordinary set of circumstances. The marsh mess also ended up explaining a great deal more about several other characters, things I hadn’t fully grappled with at that point.

Dan only exists in my head. Jason Collins is the man who actually took this step to come out while playing. I’m hoping what he sees going forward is as positive as the initial reactions. The fact that it took until 2013 for any male pro athlete in a major sport to do so, though, reminds me of why a fictional character had to face down the Irish mob to do something similar in 1991.

Blown Deadlines

As you’ve no doubt guessed, the craziness of the past few weeks has wreaked havoc on my schedule. So while Dan and Chris’ story still is coming, it’s not coming April 29. Breaking news, a generally high level of work insanity and a nasty cold have all combined to throw my writing schedule completely off track. I’m hoping to have an update by mid-week with a new release date.

We Are ExeterIt’s been so busy, in fact, that I never formally announced the latest Exeter release, the ebook-only “We Are Exeter.” It’s a collection of short profiles of all the characters, drawn from the pages of the Exeter Ledger. (That means, of course, no profile of Exeter Ledger editor CJ Jenkins. But he’s got a few comments at the beginning. If you like reading tea leaves, you might get some clues about future Exeter stories from him.)

A few of the profiles have been posted here at various points in the Exeter Ledger section of the site, but most are new to this book. You’ll learn more about characters you’ve met and discover some characters that haven’t yet appeared in the books.

If you’ve read it, please let me know which character you most enjoyed reading about, and which one you would love to know more about (if you had to pick just one).

Running Near Boston

For New Englanders, especially for those in Massachusetts, it’s hard to believe the Boston Marathon was just starting at this time a week ago. It feels like we’ve had weeks packed into the past seven days with all the events.

Last week, I wrote a column for my paper in Virginia trying to explain Marathon Monday to those who’ve never experienced it. But as the week played out, and as I drove up to Franklin for a planned visit home, I was reminded of a conversation Kyrie and I had while I was working on Thrown Out.

Kyrie was arguing it wasn’t realistic to have so many characters who run. She said most people don’t run. I disagreed, though I did concede Chris probably wasn’t a runner. Still, a lot of the characters in Exeter do run, or have run in the past. As I thought back over the insanity of the last week, I realized that the Marathon has a lot to do with that. Around here, more people do run. The Marathon and its influence gives running a higher profile than it has in other places. Its legendary status in the world of road running, thanks to the qualifying times, means that running Boston says something about a person. And that, in turn, means that when you grow up around Boston, you think about running the Marathon someday. To do that, you have to start running. And so we run.



Characters Drive Plot: We Are Exeter Update

If you’ve been watching the progress meter in the sidebar, you know I’m almost done profiling the selection of Exeter characters who will appear in We Are Exeter. 🙂 For me, there have been a lot of unexpected bonuses in doing these.

WAE listI knew I’d get a chance to dig into characters I’d thought of for various stories, such as another classmate of Dan, Evan and Liz who returns to Exeter. You’ll see her in a short story at some point this year.

I knew I’d have a chance to flesh out characters who will appear in Books 2, 3 and 4 but weren’t much more than a name before I sat down to work on this.

I didn’t realize that a character I thought I was done with would insist on showing me, through that character’s answers to the questions in the Q&A portion, that this character’s not done. Far from it. The repercussions of the role this character is demanding are going to resonate throughout Exeter.

I still have eight of the 27 profiles to polish off — my project for today, at least until it’s time to go enjoy corned beef and cabbage. (I must admit, I’ve never had them.) Who knows what surprises will show up in the remaining eight profiles?

Coming Soon: We Are Exeter

That mystery March release I mentioned the other day? As newsletter readers know, it’s We Are Exeter, a collection of profiles of the characters in Exeter, written by Exeter Ledger editor CJ Jenkins.

Some of these character profiles you might have seen: they’re in the Exeter Ledger section of this site. And you’ve met many of the characters in either Thrown Out, even though their profiles haven’t been available anywhere. But you’ll also get a chance to meet other characters who haven’t yet appeared in any published Exeter works. Yet, obviously, is the key word. If you like reading tea leaves — or devouring spoilers for your favorite shows — you’ll find some intriguing bits of information to speculate upon in many of these profiles. More details and the cover reveal will be coming soon. For now, I’m focusing on polishing off the last of the profiles.

Which Exeter characters are you looking forward to learning more about?

Keeping the Author Honest

I did some blog housekeeping today, and one of the things I’ve added is a progress meter for my various Exeter projects over in the right sidebar. You’ll notice the March one is deliberately vague — newsletter subscribers will find out the details Tuesday. Everybody else will find out in about 10 days. You’ll be able to buy it starting March 31.

The April story, though, is one I’ve already mentioned, so no secrets there. If you’ve been wondering exactly how Dan and Chris met, you’ll get your answer April 29. The biggest question mark on that one is the length. I put my best guess down there, but the last time I predicted a story would be 15,000 words, it was my first NCIS fanfic which ended up being novel-length. So we’ll see…

As I start digging into more projects, I’ll add more tickers so you can see how much progress I’m making. Heckling and nagging are always welcome. Now, off to the coffee shop to get some new words down on paper…

New Faces Coming to Exeter

I wrote about 3,000 words today on an Exeter project that should be available at the end of the month (ebook only). I knew this was going to involve a couple of characters who had only been referenced in unpublished pieces up to this point, and they weren’t much more than names. One of them just came to life as I was working on that section! So much so, in fact, that I’m pretty sure she’s going to end up taking a main role in a story at some point.

I’m digging back into the project now, and I’ll have more details about it coming in a week or two.

The deleted 1991 scenes I mentioned the other day will start going out this week, so if you’re not already on the mailing list, please take a minute and sign up. It’s the only way you’re going to get to read these “missing” All That Is Necessary scenes.

Also, while my fiction schedule is always subject to the demands of the paper — between state basketball playoffs and a rare March snowstorm, this was a particularly crazy news week — I have the next four Exeter releases scheduled, one per month in March, April, May and June. Newsletter subscribers will get a sneak peek at the March one with this week’s deleted scene. Everybody else will find out closer to the release date. (Yes, there are benefits to subscribing to the newsletter.)

All That Is Necessary on The Bookcast

bookcastI’m over at The Bookcast today talking with Bill about All That Is Necessary, Exeter and just what happens when past and future collide. As always, Bill does a great interview, and it was fun to be on the other end of the questions for a change. He and I also talked after Thrown Out was published, and you can see that interview (and one with Roz Morris) down the bottom of the page.

Behind the Scenes: What Didn’t Make It In All That Is Necessary

FB pollSome of you know that originally, All That Is Necessary was set completely in 1991. That means there’s a lot of what happened that summer that is never seen in the final version of the book. While you don’t need to see any of the scenes that didn’t make it into the final cut, some of you have said you very much would like to.

Starting next week, I’m going to send out a “missing scene” to newsletter subscribers each week for four weeks. I’ve got a poll up on my Facebook page with some of the possibilities, based on your comments. If you’re interested, go vote — and make sure you’re signed up for the newsletter so you get the scenes starting next week. They won’t be posted anywhere else.

Digging Into Exeter’s Past

Thanks to a kick in the pants from James Scott Bell in today’s Kill Zone, I went back through some of my Exeter short stories in progress and realized I was a lot further along than I thought with a short story/novella about Dan and Chris when they first meet. I added another 2,500+ words today to the story, and I’m hoping to have a rough draft done by Wednesday for Kyrie and Maggie to look at. (For new readers, Kyrie’s my editor and Maggie’s the other half of my critique group.) My goal is to release the story as an ebook only within the next month. If you prefer paperback, you’ll get your chance down the line. Both shorts I’m working on this month eventually will appear in the next Stories From Exeter collection: The Way We Were.

If you’ve finished All That Is Necessary and cursed the ending (I’ve heard from a few of you already, obviously), you’ll be glad to know that my travel time to Indy this week was mostly spent brainstorming how the various threads of the plots will fit together. I even surprised myself by finding out a piece of information about one character I had only partially known. 🙂 Whether you’ll find out that information in Book 2  or not is still an open question. It’s either a Book 2 or a Book 4 reveal, depending on where it has the most impact.

A couple of characters from the first Stories From Exeter collection who skipped All That Is Necessary reappear in Book 2, and we’ll get more information about that reveal at the end of ATIN as the story plays out. (If you were surprised by the revelation at the end the first time you read ATIN, keep an eye out for the hints you missed when you re-read. You might even pick up on some clues about  what could be coming in the next book.

Just a reminder: I’ll be signing books and hopefully meeting lots of new Exeter readers at Sacred Circle in downtown Staunton on Saturday morning from 10 a.m. to noon. If you live close enough to the Valley to make the trip, please come by. Carey has a wonderful store and we’ll have plenty of both of my books available. If you need extra incentive, Historic Staunton Foundation has its Winter Wine Festival just around the corner in the Stonewall Jackson Hotel from noon to 6 p.m. for just $20 ($15 in advance).


Author Interview: I’m At Unexpected Paths

unexpected pathsAuthor Maggie Duncan is hosting me over at her blog for an interview about All That Is Necessary and the Exeter series in general. As befitting a former editor, she asks tough questions.

Duncan is the author of Spy Flash, a collection of Rory’s Story Cube Challenge entries, as well as Fences and Blood Vengeance. All three are short-story collections.

All That Is Necessary paperbacks available for ordering

ATIN ebookThe official release date is still a couple weeks away, but you can now order All That Is Necessary in paperback!


Twenty years ago, Rick Murray left town after his father was arrested by the State Police for trying to murder Rick’s best friend, Dan Reilly. Now Rick is back in Exeter. Dan must grapple with Rick’s return and the memories that come with him. As childhood memories run headlong into the reality of what happened that summer, both men must adjust to the idea that things weren’t as simple as they seemed back then. All That Is Necessary explores the collision between past and present, between memory and reality, and between two former friends whose lives changed one summer more than twenty years ago.



All That Is Necessary Release Date and Book Signing

ATIN print At first I said All That Is Necessary would be out in 2013. Then I said January. Now I’m saying a date: Tuesday, Jan. 29.

E-books will definitely be available then, and I believe the paperback version will be ready as well. That’s the paperback cover on the left, though the back jacket fonts still need some tweaking.

I’ll be doing a book signing on Saturday, Feb. 16, at The Sacred Circle in downtown Staunton — probably starting at 10 a.m. HUGE thanks to Carey for having me. And — barring work-related craziness — I’ll be reading the opening interlude to the book at the Jan. 9 SWAG open mic night at Darjeeling Cafe in downtown Staunton.

For the New England readers, I’ll be doing a week-long book signing stint in Massachusetts, likely in April. I’m just working out a couple of details on that one before I announce dates. I have three appearances lined up and hope to add two to three more, so if you have suggestions for bookstores or other locations, please let me know at jenniecoughlin28@gmail.com.

Cover Reveal and a Special Deal

I was up in Massachusetts last week, and lined up three book signings for All That is Necessary after it comes out in January. We’re still working out exact dates, but right now, it’s looking like I’ll be meeting with the St. Mary’s book club for a signing and discussion, plus doing book signings at The Shire Book Shop in Franklin and Coffee Break Cafe in Quincy. I’m hoping to line up a couple more signings in the region — if you have any suggestions for indie bookstores or coffeeshops that you think would be good, please let me know. I’m especially looking for suggestions from the Grafton area, since that’s as close as you’ll get to putting Exeter on a map.

ETA: And I’ll be doing a signing at The Sacred Circle in Staunton. Thanks, Carey!

While things are on a roll, this seems like a good time to unveil the book’s cover below the fold. Oh, and there’s a special deal below that.   Continue reading

Thinking about covers

I’ve been plowing through revisions — at least until a nasty cold combined with covering for a colleague’s vacation stopped me in my tracks. So I used my foggy morning to fiddle with cover ideas for All That Is Necessary. I’ve got several rough ideas up. Any feedback on which ones you like best (or hate most) and why would be great. The big question: Would any of them make you pick the book up off the shelf?